广交会数据 cantonfair Data 山东港中钢铁有限公司SHANDONG SINO STEEL CO.,LTD

Contact Person孙璐玥
产品镀锌钢卷, 镀铝锌板, 彩涂卷, 彩涂板, 彩钢, 冷轧钢板, 镀锌带钢, 马口铁, 热轧板, 金属瓦, 其他金属建材, 镀锌瓦楞板, 脚手架平台
productsGalvanized steel coil, Aluminized zinc, Prepainted coils, Chromatic steel, Colorbond , Cold rolled steel plate, Galvanized steel, Tinplate, Hot rolled steel sheet, Metal tile, Other construction material, Galvanized corrugated steel sheet, Landing stage of scaffold
简介 山东港中钢铁有限公司是一家集钢铁生产、加工、分销、物流配送、进出口于一体的综合性钢铁生产及贸易公司。集团注册资金6000万人民币,主要经营产品有热冷轧卷板,镀锌卷板,彩涂卷板,瓦楞板,马口铁卷板等。在发展过程中,港中钢铁积极引进先进的生产设备和技术,并将钢铁生产与销售活动紧密结合,努力实现钢铁流通各个环节经济价值最大化,从而促进了自身与国内外合作伙伴的利益共赢,也极大地支持了中国钢铁工业的健康快速发展。 公司产品制造工艺链完整,以莱钢、济钢的优质冷卷SPCC为依托,生产高精度的优质镀锌卷板、镀铝锌卷板、彩涂卷板、瓦楞板等产品,并积极根据市场需求研发生产新兴建材产品,如纳米隔热板,彩铝卷,印花彩涂卷等产品,同时公司还控股了马口铁,彩石瓦,不锈钢等产品,其中主营产品预计实现年生产能力:30万吨镀锌薄板及镀铝锌薄板、20万吨彩涂卷板。u000b 公司以“打造世界专业、安全、一流的钢铁服务商”为愿景;“提供价值服务,让选择变得简单”为企业使命;“只有至诚至信的理念,才有永续发展的空间”为价值观致力于企业的发展。在多年的开拓、实践和探索过程中,公司注重线上平台与线下推广同步建设,坚持以专业获得客户认可,以实力赢得客户尊重,不断优化服务方式,提升服务质量,让客户切实感受到港中的服务特色。 目前我们产品已经销售到东南亚,中东,非洲,南美洲等地区的200多个国家。2019年公司创下了2亿美金年的销售额,并获得中国钢铁产业网年度“十佳钢铁贸易企业”称号。 山东港中钢铁有限公司以促进中国钢铁工业的健康快速和谐发展为目标,将一如既往,诚信守德,求真务实,维护并做强做大我们的品牌。为国内外客户提供优质的商品、一流的服务,并衷心希望与海内外客户建立起面向未来的长期双赢的合作。
descriptionShandong Sino Steel Co., Ltd is a comprehensive company for steel production and trading. Its business includes production, processing, distribution, logistics and import& export of steel. The registered capital of our group is 60 million RMB. Our main products are hot rolled steel coils, cold rolled steel coils, galvanized steel coils, prepainted steel coil, corrugated sheets and tinplate coils,etc. Shandong Sino Steel Co., Ltd has been actively introducing advanced equipment and technology, and closely integrating steel production and steel sales as a way to maximize profits in all aspects, thus achieving a win-win situation with its domestic and foreign partners. In final it greatly supports the healthy and rapid development of China's steel industry. Our company has a complete process chain, relying on high-quality cold-rolled steel coils SPCC of Laiwu Steel Group and Jinan Steel Group to produce high-precision galvanized steel coils, galvalume steel coils, prepainted steel coil, corrugated sheets and other products. We actively develop new building materials according to the market, such as nano anti-corrosion insulation panels, prepainted aluminum coils, printed color coated coils , etc. At the same time, we also control companies that produce tinplates, colored stone tiles, stainless steel, some of which are expected annual production capacities as follows: 300,000 tons of galvanized steel coil and galvalume steel coil, 200,000 tons of prepainted steel coil. The company's vision is "to be world-class professional, reliable and outstanding steel supplier". Our mission is to "offer valuable services, be the best choice"; the value of our company development is "the pursuit of integrity ensures sustainable development.” Over the years, we have pioneered and explored in practice. Our company pays attention to the simultaneous development of online platforms and offline promotion, insists on obtaining the recognition of customers with professionalism, and wins the respect from customers with strength. We will continue to optimize service methods and service quality so that customers can truly feel our unique service. At present, our products have been sold to Southeast Asia, Middle East, Africa, South America and other regions which include more than 200 countries. In 2019, we achieved sales of US $ 200 million and won the title of “Ten Best Steel Enterprises of 2019” given by Chinatsi.com(China steel industry website). The goal of Shandong Sino Steel Co., Ltd is to promote the healthy, rapid and harmonious development of Chinese steel industry. We will, as always, be honest and pragmatic in order to maintain and strengthen our brand. We will continue to provide high-quality products and first-class services to customers at home and abroad, and sincerely hope to establish long-term win-win cooperation with customers at home and abroad.
地区中国 山东